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Monday, June 23, 2008


I moved to Liberia to work for here the next 6 months
I was warned against doing it.
But I insisted I would. Anyways it has turned out to be more welcoming than I thought it would be. It has been a very smooth journey from Miami to Monrovia. A big culture shock by the way. People here are very friendly, very pleasant but at the same time angry with their country on what it did to them. Though for right now, it looks all a bed of roses, we know there is danger lurking right around the corner. People here are frustrated. Their frustration is building up, fact being us. They havent seen sophistication in a while. They have come out of a civil war recently and here we are working trying to build their economy. But what we fail to realise is the fact that, these people when they see us and the sophistication, will get enraged at their naiveness as a result of the war. They could outburst anytime. But that being said, Liberia is still a wonderful country with wonderful people. I like the place for now.

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