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Sunday, April 20, 2008

My life

I know i am not alone when it comes to having the feeling of being told what to do with your life.
But after a recent conversation with my mother, I found out, my attitude towards life was wrong. Self pity and depression are something that should never enters ones life. Everybody has their own life and their own problems. Some just speak their mind out and some dont. I am the former. My life has been an open book for all that know me. Did we ever sit down to think why we were being told what to do. Its important that we do that before we jump into any kind of conclusions and regrets. I did that after jumping into conclusions and regrets. Better late than never. This world is a stone-cold place. I always felt because I grew up in the creche, I was neglected. But come to think of it, if today I am in this position, it was because of all the pains and efforts and sacrifices my parents made. I was under a very wrong impression all these years. I told my friends how my parents never trusted me, though I never did anything wrong. But little did I realise, those promises taken were out of fear and not out of not trusting me. Small and honest conversations can be life altering and can be used to better ones life. Do it with people whom you love. That said, I am not tellign you I am a changed person, I still have my lapses. I have been rude to people and still am. I quit talking to a few people and still am not and I may never. A very strong statement!!!!
I have let down a lot of people and may never be good enough no matter what I did.
I have to learn that LIFE is just not about ME.

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